Friday, April 4, 2008

Sonny's Blues

This story is really interesting to me because of the volitile relationship between Sonny and his brother. The brother seems to resent Sonny, and maybe that's because SOnny didnt have the same goals as him and he is disappointed. It seems like he was only helping Sonny out of familial obligation, not brotherly love.
This story made me think about sibling relationships and even made me think of my relationship with my sister. I kind of feel like I act like the older sibling, and try to protect my sister even though she is older. My sister and I are very different, and some of the things that annoyed the brother about Sonny I can completely connect to. The growth of the brother through this story is interesting. Sonny changed his whole perspective just by being himself. Sonny did things for himself and tried to make the best of his deteriorating life. The brother complained a lot and felt like his life didnt suit him, like he was better than his life, yet he didnt do anything to change his situation. The brother finally realized that he should not be unhappy with his life because he had a pretty good one compared to other people, including Sonny.
The brother was really cynical, which kind of bothered me. I'm glad that he changed and realized he was the creator of his destiny and if he was unhappy he could change it. He just had such a defeatest attitude. Sonny really gave him some perspective, and made him re-evaluate his attitude. I think we all need someone to show us that there are more important things in life than ourselves....Sonny could do us all some good!


caleigh said...

Hey alcie.
I liked that you talked about the sibling relationship. Because i too can relate to that. But mine is opposite, i am the oldest sibling, but sometimes get treated like the youngest becuase i have realized my younger siblings really look out for me when i do stupid things.
I felt that "leroy" helped Sonny out because of brotherly love, not becuase of family obligation. I feel like if it was family obligation he would have helped him out when he first found out what happened. But after his daughter died i feel like he realized how much Sonny meant to him and how he could probably help him out.

Jovi said...

I noticed that also at the ending to at how Sonny showed his brother that he was able to live his own life and not always be constantly guarded by an older sibling.

J Reid said...

When I was reading, I agree with what you are saying about sibling relationships, although im not really younger than Caleigh, I feel like i still have to "act" older than her and protect her

~*Shannon*~ said...

I like how you mentioned that he was the creator of his destiny, it was really well put and so true. I think he figured this out and changed by the end. The sibling realtionship situation is interesting. I'm both the younger and older sibling, so I can relate but not entirely. But I see exactly where you are coming from.

Caitlin Britton said...

I completely agree, Sonny's brother was irritatingly cynical and had an almost obxious defeatist attitude. Now, that I think about it, it actually really bothered me how critical he was about Sonny and his dreams. He thought that Sonny was ignorant to the world and had so much to learn, when in the end, Sonny taught him about life and what it's really about through the music.

Yes! Thank you for noticing the and appreciating the music. The descrpitiveness of it was amazing. Looking into something you dont really know about (altough we think we know music pretty well we actually dont, not like these musicians) and getting a taste of what it really feels like. To them its more than sounds, its something I don't know how to desribe. I'm glad you also noticed this.

Gameguy614 said...

hey Alice
I think that your point about the brother was spot on. He was an incredibly cynical character and seemed like he would never change. The fact that he was changed by the person he was trying to change was a really effective way to end the story. I was originally going to write about how the main character was really cynical and how he thought he was better than everyone, but I forgot about it by the end of the story. So thanks for reminding me.