Monday, April 14, 2008

Ordinary People pt. 3

This movie is such a good representation of reality. I can't get over how realistic the whole thing is. And the acting is more than perfect. The people are so involved with their characters that they just attacked the roles and made it perfect. I think the best judge of good acting is when you can't see the actor in the character. 

The last part of the movie really reveals the inner personality in each character. We see that the mother doesn't want to forgive Conrad and can't get over the death of her son, but wants everyone to think that she is perfectly fine. The father just wants everyone to be mentally fine and wants what's best for Conrad and Beth. He finally accepts his own feelings and doesn't hide them from anyone. We find out that Conrad will not forgive himself for not fighting to save Buck, but chose to save himself on the boat. 

Conrad has really separated himself from everyone who knew Buck. He told one of his old friends that "it hurts too much to be around you." I can completely understand that feeling. If something bad or emotionally painful happens to me I turn internally and don't communicate with the outside world. It is easier to be alone than with people. He is also mad at Buck for letting go and slipping. And then he feels guilty about being mad because he loves his brother and knows that those feelings are wrong, even if they are natural. 

This whole movie is glued together by awkward moments. The scene where Conrad hugs his mother is so real and awkward it is almost uncomfortable to watch. But it was sweet because it shows the growth of Conrad. I think that she was so surprised but it didn't faze her at all. She didn't take that gesture and think about what Conrad wants from her. I think she is so self involved that things like that just slip right by her. She can't imaging that this person that she has made into a terrible person has changed and wants to be a part of her life. 

I think the last scene is great because it shows the communication between Conrad and his father. The movie really ends on a note that is real and personal. The therapist helped Conrad communicate and talk about his feelings instead of closing himself off. He realizes that people need other people to survive. The father once said that Conrad and his mother are very much alike, and I can see that because they were both selfish, but in different ways. The mother is selfish because she doesn't think about other people and Conrad is selfish because he doesn't believe that other people need him. I am glad that this story ended the way it did because it shows that life is ongoing and there is no definate end to it. 

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