Friday, April 18, 2008

Prelim essay 2 writing

The movie Ordinary People inspired my essay 2 topic....I want to discuss the ideas of communication and miscommunication within families. I think lots of problems in relationships have to do with communication or the lack of it. This movie is a prime example of a strained relationship resulting from no communication. The mother and son do not talk to each other about how they treat one another. The son is upset because he thinks the mother doesn't love him enough and the mother can not forgive him for not being the son she loved more, who died.
The father says once that they are so alike, which makes sense because that means that they both react to situations the same way, they turn into them selves and don't seek outside council which makes their feelings unknown to the world. Nothing gets resolved that way because the feelings they have are not addressed, and therefore not changed.
I also find it interesting that the mother closes herself off by pretending that everything is alright. She is so obsessed with the appearance of her family to the outside world, she does not even consider the idea that there are problems, serious problems in her family. My extended family is very similar to that. There are several things that are known to everyone in the family that just aren't talked about.
Everyone wants to be perfect, but no one is. This movie is a great example of the fractures that people have and why it is important to communicate.


Clary said...

Good analysis of film. How will you focus your research? Is miscommunication one of the most common problems that families confront? What about the emotional identities of different family members and the conflicts that arise?

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