Monday, April 14, 2008

Ordinary People

The movie Ordinary People is a story about a family struggling to communicate. It was made in the 1980s and was directed by Robert Redford (who I love). I like it so far, it really makes me think about the relationships and reflect on my own family. It can get a little confusing though, it is one of those movies that isn't all set up from the beginning. I really like how the viewers have to figure it out for themselves. It really is a slice of real life.

Conrad is an interesting character because he is obviously drowning in the world he is living in. We find out that he has been hospitalized for attempted suicide, which gives us a little clue about what he is feeling internally. He seems to be very internal, and not letting people know how he is really feeling. He seems to be annoyed with everyone around him. And his relationship with the lady, his mother? his father's girlfriend?, is very strained. She seems to have no patience for him and doesnt' think about him at all. 

His father is a lot more concerned with Conrad. He is uneasy to talk to him though. I don't think he knows what to say but wants to say so much. I think he wants to love Conrad so much but there is a huge wall between them. I think there is a huge wall between everybody and Conrad. Everyone except his therapist. There is at first, but the wall deteriorates over time. The therapist is the only person Conrad can talk to because he is a third party. He is not directly involved in the situation. 

We find out that the main reason for all of this unhappiness is the death of Buck, Conrad's brother. I can totally understand Conrad's perspective because I have an older sibling, and I think I would probably react the same way that Conrad did if my sister ever died suddenly. His mother most likely is destroyed by the death of her son, but wants to make it seem like she is fine. She is very selfish, and doesn't think about what would be best for Conrad, or her husband. She just runs away from her problems. I have lots of experience from people trying to hide problems from the public and keeping lives private. 

The biggest problem between the family, I think, is communication. They do not communicate at all, and therefore do not function. I really like this movie so far and I can't wait to follow the story more.

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