Monday, February 11, 2008

The Power of Myth

I was a little bored during this movie. I am really interested in myth and prototypes, but Joseph Campbell kind of killed it. I think everything he has to say is incredibly interesting, but it almost put me to sleep because of his tone and the atmosphere of the movie. I really liked his references to Star Wars, though. I thought it was nice that he linked all of the old stories to new ones, and it really showed the parallels between the stories. I love thinking about the similarities in religion and myths from different culture, its so ironic that cutlures that are nothing alike have such similar myths.

Anyway, i liked the content, but the delivery was oh so sad.


Jovi said...

I agree. I thought the movie could have been alot better. I too, think its interestng how different religions can link together. I realized that during the Greek Mythology class I had my sophmore year.

PraiseDance_21 said...

I also agree with this. I think that the whole idea of the conversational interveiw on myths was a bit much and could not hold my attention. Somethings were int erseting but I think that the movie had the potential to be a lot better.

Clary said...

Hi Alice
How did Friday go? Only one student posted about the story. Please plan to meet on Tuesday at 12pm to make up for absences.