Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where Are You Going, Part 2

I think the second half of this story is my favorite. I love finding hidden meanings in stories, and unravelling people's mindset. I like being a shrink. I find it so interesting how Connie shifts so dramatically. She is so full of herself, and has such a blase attitude about everything and everyone, and then Arnold shows up and she matures instantly. 

I also love hunting for hidden meanings, mostly about Arnold and Ellie; I love finding clues, going on a treasure hunt within the text. Last year, I wrote a paper about hoe Arnold Friend was a representation of the devil, and after reading the story again I solidified my ideas about him. I don't know if that may have more with my own imagination, that I'm making myself believe things that aren't really a part of the story. Perhaps I just see, or read, what I want to. I just want to sit down with Joyce Carol Oates and see what she has to say about the story. I wonder if she intended to put clues in the story, or they just kind of appeared. 

Well, this is one of my favorite short stories. I love the transformation of Connie. I love the links between music and the story. I love the way Arnold Friend moves, and the way he is physically, because that shows a lot about physical language, and what we say through out bodies and subconscious movements. I think this story is important for people to read because it shows something about out society, and how we perceive ourselves and others. I think it is almost a lesson for girls, even if it is fiction. I just love love love this story!

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