Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Blog!!!!!

First blog = AWESOME!!!!!

just so you know, English is coooool. I've been reading and writing my whole life, and even though it is not my passion or what i plan to do for the rest of my life, i still enjoy reading and writing.

i'm a dork. i know.


Jovi said...

hey alice. I agree. I hope this class goes well.

caleigh said...

Yes, you are a dork, but thats ok.

J Reid said...

Alice, it is true you may be a bit of a an English dork. It's ok, its not bad, it could actaully be benefitial to your life. Have fun with your blog, blog away blogger.

Shakerrie Allmond said...

Hey Alice Whats the deal? i love english too.

J Reid said...
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Rats Get Fat said...

wow jordan, your kind of rude