Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Yellow Wallpaper

I have mixed feelings about this story. In one aspect, I really like it because of the language and the intense journey this woman goes through. And on the other hand, it seems a little stagnant. The most interesting part of this story, to me, is the fact that this mother has post-partum depression. Of course, at the time when this story was written pot-partum was not a known thing. And, it is even speculated that Gilman had post-partum, and so she could have written this story in some semi-autobiographical light. 
I think the transition of this woman is interesting. She starts off the story being pretty normal, and thinking a lot about getting her rest after having a baby. But after a while her "condition" worsens and she begins to think thoughts that may not be real, and she has strange dreams. I just find it interesting that she creates this whole parallel life of this woman who ultimately is her demise and is kind of her. She becomes obsessed with the wallpaper and will not keep her eyes from the pattern and constantly thinks about it. 
There is a little bit of rhythm because of the shaking of the paper. Also, the word "creeping" is used a lot. The woman creeps around, the wallpaper creeps into her mind. She creeps over John at the end of the story, after she convinces herself that she is the woman who was recently relieved of her imprisonment. I think this story would be a great short film. I can just see it in my mind, and I think I might connect with it better. 

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