Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Essay 1

I think I'm going to write about "Our Hurried Children" and how it relates to some of the sotires we have read in class. I am really interested in childhood and how our society deals with children and education. I'm excited!

I just wanted to add more to my ideas for my essay. I think I don't really want to focus that much on any of the fiction stories that we wrote. I am interested in early childhood education, and even though I know a lot about it, I still would like to expand my knowledge. I think in this essay I want to talk about different approaches to early childhood education and which ones seem to work. I went to a school that pioneered a focus on different education beliefs when i was younger, the school where my mother works now, so I have some personal experiences that can help me develop an argument.

I think I am going to do research on effectiveness of different techniques. I may actually visit my mother's school to see if I can pull anything from that. I would also love to involve other medias. I am trying to find a documentary about Reggio Amelia, the philosophy my mother's school adapts, or about childhood in general. I like using contrasting medias in my research. I am a visual person, so watching something impacts me more than reading about it.

I am still in the development stages, but I hope to get some books and find some documentaries and then I'll be on my way!


Jovi said...

hey alice, i have a link on my blog about this topic. You can go check it out and see if it can help with your essay!

Clary said...

Why not just use "Our Hurried Children" as your starting point. Perhaps you can look at how different models of early childhood education address some of the concerns raised in this article. Which are the concerns most alarming? Focus will be a factor so start narrowing your topic now.